Creating Habits That Stick

If youā€™ve struggled to make healthy habits stick in the past, youā€™re definitely not alone. Donā€™t worry ā€“ weā€™ve got tips from top experts to help you find success.
  1. Start at the start.

    Instead of focusing on the end goal, like ā€œI want to lose weight,ā€ focus on how youā€™ll start.

    Example:Ā Iā€™ll pack a healthy lunch to work three times a week.

    ā€œOptimize for the starting line, not the finish line.ā€

    ā€“Ā James Clear, author of New York Times best-sellerĀ Atomic Habits

  2. Take baby steps.

    Start with small goals and build on them over time to keep from feeling overwhelmed and giving up.

    Example:Ā Iā€™m going to include a vegetable with every meal (rather than trying to radically overhaul my entire diet right from the start).

    ā€œā€¦if you try to control or change too many things at once, you may exhaust yourself completely. This failure says nothing about your virtueā€“just about the nature of willpower itself.ā€

    ā€“Ā Ā Kelly McGonigal, a health psychologist and Stanford lecturer, from her best-selling bookĀ The Willpower Instinct

  3. Get down to the details.

    Setting specific, detailed goals improves your chances for success.

    Example:Ā Iā€™m going for a 30-minute walk right after work every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    ā€œGoal-setting theory shows across hundreds of studies that challenging, specific, and concrete goals are powerful motivators and boost success in goal pursuitā€¦ā€

    ā€“ Bettina Hƶchli, Adrian BrĆ¼gger, and Claude Messner, authors of a study published in theĀ National Library of Medicine

  4. Try meditation.

    A growing body of research shows regular meditation can help people achieve their goals, including things like losing weight or staying sober.

    Example:Ā Iā€™m going to carve out 5 minutes, three times a week, to sit still, close my eyes, and simply focus on my breath.

    ā€œMeditation is like a gym in which you develop the powerful mental muscles of calm and insight.ā€

    ā€“Ā Ajahn Brahm, popular Buddhist teacher and meditation expert

  5. Donā€™t give up.Ā 

    Remember that youā€™ll have days where you fail, days where you want to quit, days where you feel your goal isnā€™t worth all this effort. When those days come, be kind to yourself, reflect on the progress youā€™ve already made, and start again the next day.

    Example:Ā I overate at the party, but instead of beating myself up about it, Iā€™ll start tomorrow with a healthy, protein-rich breakfast.

    ā€œAs long as we keep pushing forward, weā€™ll keep improving ourselves. Itā€™s okay if weā€™re not the best at the moment because the secret to progress and continuous growth lies in persistence.ā€

    ā€“Ā Jay Shetty, best-selling author and award-winning podcast host